Hartley TS16

Talk about and buy or sell boats that are suited to Seagull outboards here

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Hartley TS16

Post by Blista »

HAs anyone had any experience with hartley TS16 Trailer Sailers? Will a Seagull push one along at a reasonable rate of knots?
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Re: Hartley TS16

Post by Hugz »

Yep. Had a 16 foot ply trailer sailor. Not a hartley but very similar. Can't remember the name. Little forty pushed it along with ease, though I couldn't keep it in a straight line as it kept pivoting on the centreboard. Remove the centreboard and it was worse. Ended up lashing the motor straight forward and using the tiller for steerage.

I only like yachts with a deep or skeg keel and a big diesel... :P
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Re: Hartley TS16

Post by chris »

hartley ts16 is an excellent boat, a good sail boat and a good motorboat, very stable and easy boat to sail, as hugz says you need to put the centreboard down a bit and lock the outboard and steer with the tiller, a lot of people have used seagulls as auxilliarys, I know a person who sails an old mirror 16 uses a 3hp seagull century and it pushes it no problems.
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Re: Hartley TS16

Post by Blista »

Thank you Hugz & Chris,

I am actually researching the suitability of a boat to do the "Summit to the Sea" Murray River Cruise as posted elsewhere. Hav'nt a clue what sort of boat to consider for this trip. I have never owned a "British Seagull" before, all new to me! Hartley TS16 was one boat that I thought may be suitable, as we owned one in the 80's. Never really motored far in it but sailed miles. It did have a 6hp Evinrude just to motor the few yards onto the trailer.
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Rex NZ
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Re: Hartley TS16

Post by Rex NZ »


I have a TS18. 8) It's a very long term resto project :roll:

In calm conditions it does 4.7 knots with a silver century barge pusher, &, 5 knots with a regular silver century :idea:

However, if you get a head wind, then the silver century barge pusher keeps making way, while the regular silver century slows down alot :idea:

I think you have a good choice for a trip down the Murray. Maybe an autopilot might be in order. LOL :lol:

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Re: Hartley TS16

Post by croweater »


Interesting subject I to have been researching for a suitable boat to do the "Summit to Sea". The Design I favor at present is the Flint by Ross Lillistone. This may change as most of the information available suggests a long flat bottomed design are best for Seagull Motors.

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Re: Hartley TS16

Post by The Tinker »

The flint works well with a seagull on it. It is also a very easy boat to build. Handles two big blokes well. Very good with one bloke aboard. Some of the dory type designs are also worth looking at as one would need a little comfort if one is to spend a month in there boat.
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Re: Hartley TS16

Post by robm »

Steering daysailers with Seagulls:

My Sea Scout troop had a fat 16' daysailer, with a Seagull on a bracket on the transom, as far to the side as it could get. I found that the rudder would hit the prop when pushed over that way.

Simple fix was to lash the rudder straight with bungie cord, and steer with the Seagull. The rudder would track the direction of the outboard, and since the prop was out of the way, the rudder wouldn't hit it. It also steered better that way.

A broom handle for a Seagull tiller extension, and it was very pleasant to steer stand up, one hand on the well-secured boom. Only the steepest wakes would make sitting down a good idea. If there were any wind waves, well, of course, we sailed!
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