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Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:24 pm
by Charles uk
Manifold why would anyone try to out invent the Poms?

The black one is an Atko 79cc boat impeller 1948 to 1960
& the yellow one is an Atko 2 1/4 70cc 1959 to 1965.

The idea was patented in 1902 by Dr. F W Lancaster.

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:40 pm
by Charles uk
My son came around & asked if the black one ran, my answer was "don't remember" half a pint of fuel on top of the cup full of sour stuff in the tank, blow in the tank to flood the carb, pull the string, started first pull, though it did smoke a bit!

Must try it on a boat!

A contraction of pomegranate, rhyming slang for immigrant (“imme-granate”). The older term of Jimmy Grant, meaning immigrant, became Pommy Grant as the Australian sun turned the immigrant’s skin pomegranate red.

Many folk etymologies also exist:

A devolution of “Prisoner of His/Her Majesty” or “POHM”
An acronym for “Prisoner of Mother England”

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:00 pm
by Keith.P
Nice motors Charles, was offer a couple of the older type atco's but im not into speed like you are, I have what's left of a little Ransomes mower, crank handle start with a similar engine, carb and tank.

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:12 pm
by Charles uk
Speed your having a laugh!

0.6 hp at 1400 rpm.

Maybe I'll try watersking!

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:33 am
by SAE140
An insult always involves two people: so it's impossible to be insulted without your own consent.

I've always considered 'POM' to be term of endearment, not insult. Depends how it's used, of course: "Pommy bar-steward" spoken with vitriolic intonation would be intended as an insult - but that's not the case here.

Of course, you could just be having a laugh ... ?

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:34 pm
by Charles uk
I can't see that it's insulting or racist, I don't think the Australians view it as such.

I distinctly remember when in Australia & meeting well spoken slim young ladies I asked if they had any pommie in them? on receiving a negative answer I then asked if they regretted this & would they like some, I'm sure I saw a twinkle in their eyes.

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:26 am
by Collector Inspector
Charles, that would be ATCO..................

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:31 am
by Charles uk
How embarrassing is that?

Now I'm faced with the choice illiterate pom or illegitimate pom.

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:28 am
by Collector Inspector
Dyslexia is always an option.

Socially sound and you get a pat on the head and free beers down here.

Government funded!



Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:55 pm
by Todd
While we're at it, there will be no more calling Yanks, well, Yanks. A Yank sounds too much like a wank. From this point on you may refer to me as a Limey-American.


Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:49 pm
by Horsley-Anarak
Todd wrote:While we're at it, there will be no more calling Yanks, well, Yanks. A Yank sounds too much like a wank. From this point on you may refer to me as a Limey-American.Todd
Using the term "Yankees" for all Americans is incorrect, although British and Australians always do it. A Yankee is someone from one of the six New England states. Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Conneticut, Rhode Island.

So as I see it Todd as a North-Eastern American you may well be a Yank :D

But I am very happy to be called a Limey Pommy Bstard. :D
Limey is better than Scurvy (brought this thread back to a slightly nautical theme)


Charles "Dyslexia rules KO" :wink:

Re: Atko, real long tail outboards

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:30 am
by Hugz
Strange... we Aussies don't have a nick name.... or do we?