Flywheel Removal

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Flywheel Removal

Post by Polybus »


I just decided to remove the flywheels from all my parts engines - 13 in total.

12 of them the flywheel came off with a bit of coaxing - but the other one.....

I tried everything:
  • The traditional way - holding up by the flywheel, belting the nut on the end of the crank
  • Penetrating Fluid
  • Heat - I was a bit wimpy with this - didn't want to fry the coil
  • Resisted the urge to use a puller
  • Used my air-hammer on the end of the crank shaft
...but in the end....
I guess I could have saved the crank by cutting off the flywheel - but I am wondering if anyone has any tips for getting off reeeeeeeely stuck flywheels without destroying them.

This is the first time I've ever broken a flywheel - I try to be quite disciplined because I have read so many warnings.

So my question is - what are our options when the buggers just won't move - you may notice that I have bent the end of the crank, so obviously I was belting it too hard and off centre.

Of course I still have to get the broken remains off the end of the crank :evil:

On the plus side - the coil is good - the points look like they will be OK with just a clean and lots of other parts are salvageable. :P
Last edited by Polybus on Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Flywheel Removal

Post by Nudge »

And now you know why Not to use a puller.... ever!

I would say just use a grinder to get the rest of the flywheel off, you can't heart it any more!
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Re: Flywheel Removal

Post by Polybus »

I didn't user a puller.

I have never used one - I have seen too many knowledgeable, experienced people here on SOS warn against it.

What you see in the pictures is the result of me getting carried away with a lump hammer.

I'm after suggestions for how to get flywheels off when the hammer on the crank method just isn't working despite heat, despite penetrating fluid. Where do we go from here? Obviously not a puller.
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Re: Flywheel Removal

Post by andrew »

Had this happen twice over the years, most recently was just last week. Can understand the frustration.

Once the crank and flywheel are written off by damage it’s an exercise in saving the coil/baseplate/points. With some patience you can get that coil off while the broken center of the flywheel is still stuck on the crank. You’ll notice the coil has a circular groove around crank/flywheel that very snugly allows you to get it out. After that, immense amounts of heat on crank tip with a good 3/4lb hammer will get the broken part off the crank. Then you can save baseplate.

As for avoiding broken flywheels altogether, I’ve always been surprised just how much heat the tip of the crank can take without melting the bits below. A balancing act for sure!
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Re: Flywheel Removal

Post by Nudge »

Sorry Polybus, My bad! I miss read ant thought you had used a puller.
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