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The Marston Register.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:13 pm
by charlesp
Still I have motors trickling in, and the total count so far is:

29 OA

3 OB (That's the twin)

1 OE

7 OF

5 OG

1 OH

3 OK

That's 49 Teardrop Marstons still around, and Charles and I reckon we're on the track of at least half a dozen more. Out of a total production of about 2000 that's an impressive number of survivors, the majority of which are in running order

We also have:

4 OJ

2 ON

7 OP

Which is a rather lower survival rate for transitional Marstons.

Work continues, I'm always pleased to add more. Anyone who has any of the models that start with 'O' or a wartime Seagull with the conical topped magneto please let me know. I will not let your name out into the public domain
