Forgotten Outboard

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Collector Inspector
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Forgotten Outboard

Post by Collector Inspector »

I just had an email from the gentleman who picked up and stored an Ebay motor from................................2 years ago.

It is still in the Eastern States and he wanted to know if I was still alive. That question fair I think considering that I completely forgot that I owned it :oops:

Now what does that indicate but nothing else than far too many Old Dears and things are getting out of hand slightly.

For your info it is an 18Hp Marlin in as new condition. I bought it as I needed another for my Australian collection. The one I have earlier is really nice but missing the recoil mech only. That annoyed me at the time.


In touch shortly to get it over to me. It will need a pallet as the cowl is delicate fiberglass and has the recoil assy fixed with fiberglass. Never a good engineering concept why did they do it?

Bit of a beasty thing except for the cowl as I said. Pallet from Pack and Send will be expensive but then again..........................just now is a free motor after all this time :P

I now have every Marlin AU.

Hmm, I wonder what else I have forgotten.............Oh yeh..........................the BSA Stationary engine still waiting. I am just sorting that out as well :oops:

Pics of Marlin that I have for info

f346_1.JPG (30.47 KiB) Viewed 1915 times


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