RISR 2016

Racing a Seagull? Got an event planned? Race announcements, results, mods and the boats here

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RISR 2016

Post by NaughtyBits »

Bermuda Round the Island Seagull Race report:


After having to move to the rain date because of weather, and then change the course to avoid the America’s Cup boats – the weather was fantastic. Apparently South Shore was sloppy – but – North Shore was much nicer!!!!

Notable stories –

a) Murica went out to do a test run (not on the day) – apparently they hit a wave – crew went up in the air – and came down rather hard – making a hole in the boat ….. so apparently the wood panel repairing it – has a mark named “Dean’s arse”!!!!

b) Corry decided to “soup” up his fuel by adding octane to it – obviously old motors are allergic to this – as despite having an engine spare – both engines went – “we no likey – we stop now….”! So – he earned the first to break down trophy – followed in a close second of Harold & Claire Conyers…. So sorry….

c) I have been advised by Round Robin – Sam Spencer Wood that No Stress Express displayed true seagull comraderie – RR had lost half of their engine to the sea – and despite diving for the parts – it looked like a lost cause – and “crash boat please” situation!! No Stress “happened” to be carrying a spare engine – so – they stopped and lent requisite parts to RR – and then – they continued the route back together – I myself as I was leaving – saw the 2 boats arrive. Well done!!!

d) Kim Dismont Robinson (her first race) said that she managed to make it – despite a throttle issue – by using her headphone lines to try the throttle in place – she sent me a photo to prove it!!!! Very intuitive use…..

e) The Best dressed captain and crew prize had some challenges this year – it ended up going to the Gombey colours of Farrow/Smith team, but Popeye and Olive Oil (Chris Hands and Meghan Diel) were giving them a run for their money – and also – the Classy Seamen – Aaron Fenn and Geoffrey Blee have got to be complimented on their “classy” appearance each year…… makes the race look very elegant – I must say.

And there were lots of other funnies – but am sure that the stories will get passed around!! I am limited to what I see or get told about.

I am sure that we have been covered by local coverage – I will look at Bernews – and Island Stats – I saw several cameras around – but don’t know who they were.

I have not got exact monies totally – but – would like to think that we are making profits of at least $6,000 – will confirm later – but – it is being donated to the Bermuda Sloop. Well done all of you – this is a great result.

This is me signing off for another year. Venue next year is Spanish Point Boat Club and the date is June 3rd 2016 with the rain date Jun 10th. I saw a few Oracle guys and the Soft Bank Japan guys from AC at the boat club last eve– and the rumour is that they are going to design a boat to run next year – so ……wait and see - is the game…"
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Re: RISR 2016

Post by NaughtyBits »


A Class - Under 16ft, Old Engine - Stock

Naughty Bits - 72 grey top/red hull 15'11" - Charles Large Roger Symonds - 10.30 2.25 3.55
Last Call - 1511 Green 15'11" - Michael Anfossi Adriana Anfossi - 10.30 2.39 4.09
Pepto on the Run - 96 Pink 14' - Justin Lindo Mark Lindo - 10.30 4.15 5.45
Soap Suds - 505 white 15' 6" - Donnie Canton Lisa Spurling - 10.30 4.32 6.02
Wave Licker - White 14' - Dawn Smith Meredith Stapff - 8.40 5.27 8.47
Frying Pan - White 12 - Murray Terceria Will Terceira - 10.30
Lucky Penny - 24601 White 12' - Jay Pedro Florian Neururer - 9.15
Puma gull - A51 Blue White Greeb 15'6" - Ernie Mello Brandy - 10.30
Diston Drum - 16866 Purple Yellow 15'6" - Alvin Pitcher Eral Wescom IV - 10.30 DNF
Nauti by Nature - Orange blue - Damian Pitcher David Thomas - 9.45 DNF
Churn - 8199 15'11" - John Russell Liam Nash - 11.25 DNF
Wap Ting - Green 12.6' - Riley & Christopher Ricketts - DNS

B Class - Over 16ft, Old Engine - Stock/Mod

Broke but afloat - white - Preston Martins Aaron Rance - 11.00 3.28 4.28
Twisted Limey - 199 White yellow 25' - Ben Zoellner Robert Jardine - 11.02 3.53 4.51
Dirty Thirty - 30 Black 31' - Peter Vicente Matt Pridham - 11.00 6.10 7.10
The Undutchables - 999 grey 20' - Lottie Rijnink Krysta Walker - 9.30 5.02 7.32
Dirty Little Oars -07 Blue 18' - Jason Lawrence Matthew Cabral -11.00 am 9.15
Wet Pusseagull - 2.5 white/pink 24' - Aaron Carvelho Cody Lima -11.00 am DNS

Own Class - Two engines

Barely Legull - 9320 Black 19' - Alex Melvin Patrick Mahon - 11.30 DNF

C Class - Under 16ft, New Engine - Stock/Mod

A Lil Slippery - 23 Green black 16" - Rory Wojo Bryce Wojo - 11.30 2.21 2.51
In De Red - #50 Red 15'11" -Russell Conyers Lindsay Fisher - 11.30 2.50 3.20
Top Gull - 1618 Silver 15'11" -Ryan Baxter John Carreiro - 11.30 4.00 4.30

D Class - Over 16ft, New Engine - Stock/Mod

White Caps - 00` Aqua 24' - Andy Chiappa Sue Chiappa -12.00 3.00 3.00
Maximum Penitration - 24 Lime green 32' 10" - Andrew Percy Jonny bean - 12.00 3.07 3.07
Fleain Dascene - 931 white/orange yellow 22' - Michael HendersonTom Wadson - 12.00 3.20 3.20
Boobie Trap - 92 Grey 28' - Shelby Rodrigues 3 crew - 11.10 4.10 5.00
Slippery - 25 red/black 24' - Michael Bean Kristen Bean - DNS
TBD - 0000 Blue/purple 24' - Kelsey Roberts Kayla -11.30 DNF

E-1A Class - Trad Dinghy - Wood, Old Engine - Stock/Mod

Family Tree - pale yellow 14' - Bill Tatem Bobbi -8.30 3.08 6.38
Marston Spirit - 22 Blue 15' - Stuart Randles Kevin Gillespie -8.30 3.15 6.45
S Lorraine - white 17' - Chris Pimental Stacey Pimental - 8.30 3.20 6.50
Giselle - 11 white 15.5' - JayJay Soares Sico - 8.30 3.34 7.04
Seven Wells - yellow 14' - Chris Kulmala Justin Madeiros - 8.30 DNC
Legless - Red 16; - Drew Cottingham Jamie Belchoir -8.30
Shoregasm - White 12' - John Singleton Scott Tindall - 8.30
Dingleberry - dark blue 12' - Richard Lightowler Chris Gallagher - 8.30 DNF
Rounded Heels - White - Stephen Cox Justin Watts -8.30 DNF
Sedative - White 14' - Barnaby west Jonny White - DNS

E-1B Class - Trad Dinghy, Old Engine - Stock/Mod

#38 - 38 white 16' - Danielle & Dylan Lightbourn - 9.30 2.18 4.48
Ding Gull Berry - 66 blue 18' - Hans Hirschi Alison Hirschi - 9.30 3.23 5.53
Lil Wonky - 14813 Green 17' - Chris Farrow Michael Smith - 9.30 4.16 6.46
Shrimp n Grits - 182 Blue gray 15' 8" -Stephen Cabrall Trey White -9.30 4.27 6.57
????? - Light blue 15' - Benn Smith Padraig O Shan - 9.30 4.28 6.58
OldSkool Ting - 10 white 15' 8" -Andrew Petty jared Holllis -10.15 5.16 7.01
Deez Knots - Black - Nick Cabral Shane Dietz -9.30 4.41 7.11
Musty Crussell - 18 Green 16' - Chris Hands Meghan Diel - 9.30 4.56 7.26
Nauti Boyz - 10241 blue 13' - Mike Corea Jocal washington - 9.30 5.03 7.33
La Chamita - grey 16' - Mark Soares Bert Finnerty - 8.55 5.04 8.05
Loquat - 420 Yellow 14' - Charlie Brown Roger Hannant - 9.30
Round Robin - 2496 white 15'6" - Spencer Wood Robert Pantry - 9.30 7.40 10.10
??` - white 15' - Sean Pitcher Ryan Mathison -9.30 DNF
My Dixie Wrecked Again- 1/4 white 12' - Kip Malpas Jack Devertuil - 9.30 DNF
Calming Influence -44.5 Blue 14.' 6" -Carla Stempel Karen Adams - 9.30 DNF

E-1H Class - Huckleberry Dinghy, Old Engine - Stock/Mod (15 mins Time to be corrected for line honours)

Seaglassie - 5643 green 12'6" - Nigel Pollard Travis Burland - 9.15 3.44 6.29
Onion Neeze - 41 blue 12' 6" - Blake Burgess Justin Parsonn - 9.15 4.00 6.45
Amla - orange 12' 45" -Mark Tatem Ian Morrell - 9.15 4.03 6.48
Juicy Juice - A52 White 13' - Chicken Nick G 9.30 4.25 6.55
PawPaw - white 12' - Ambrose Gosling Chase Sleeter - 9.15 4.11 6.56
Sheweed - 069 white 12.'6" -PB wingate Gemma Harris - 9.15 4.38 7.23
Classy Seaman - 69trillion dark blue 12'6" - Aaron Fenn Jeffrey Blee - 9.15 4.40 7.25
?? - 700 white - Richard Beale Duncan - 9.15 4.50 7.35
Ground swell - white blue trim 12'6" - Jeff Sousa Brian Bennett - 9.15 5.05 7.50
Taxi - purple 12'4" - Alan & Chelsea Marquardt - 9.15 DNF
Slipper 1 - 1/5 white blue trim 12' - Corry K Stu Simpson - 9.15 DNF
DeBermudaIntruda- 809 blue 12' - Slayton Outerbridge Marcus - 9.15 DNF
Geegull - 6373 white 12.' 6" -Sean Correia Johnny Wardman - 9.15 DNC

E-2 Class - Trad Dinghy, New Engine - Stock/Mod

Dirty Bird - 072 white 15' 11" -Jason Semos Krista Tatem - 9.30 1.08 3.38
Giddy Midget - Gray White 14' - Robert Percy Jamison Percy - 9.30 3.52 6.22
Big John - Blue 12' - Terrance Rance Peter Logis - 9.30 4.29 6.59
Star Bright - 171 white 18' - Kim Dismont Rob Tona Symonds - 9.30 5.15 7.45
Knodel - white - Dorte Horsfield Melissa Moore - DNS
Recession Ride - white 12' - Harold Conyers Claire Conyers - 9.30 DNF

F Class, Any boat - Old or New engine - Unlimited

Actin Up - Red 24' - James Anfossi A Osborne -12.30 3.00 2.30

G-1 Class, Sport - RACING

White Lightnin - 247 white 26' - Jacob Hockings Jason Whitecross - 12.30 2.55 2.25
Rummin from de Cups - Grey/green 24' - Neil Martins Jason DaPonte - 12.30 3.03 2.33
721 Duneenneedaname- 15777 Yellow 24' - David selley Ryan Rabello - 12.30 3.26 2.56
Murica - 617 blue 23' - Patrick Leyne Dean Porter - 12.30 3.42 3.12
Tide Problems - 9 multi colour 24' - Scott Barnes Ryan Barnes - 12.30 3.44 3.14
No stress express - 4 Blue 18' - Malcolm Martin Stefan Gitschner - ?? 11ish? 7.40
Seagull Racing - Orange 24' - Darren Sousa Shane Madeiros - 12.32 DNF
Seagal - teal 15'11 -Stephanie Kemp Aislinn Maiden -12.32 DNF

G-2 Class, Sport - CRUISING

RumSpringa - navy blue 19' 8" -James Boyce Alastair Lang - 10.02 1.24 3.22
Arenicola - 66 white pontoons 16' -Matthew Strong Richard Winchall - 10.00 1.58 3.58
Frayed Lips - (CAT) - Ricky Sousa Brenda DeSilva - 10.05 3.31 5.26
dinghy style - - Mark Jordan Alex Cooper - 9.40 3.13 5.33
Meat Curtains - white - Hamish Burns Kevin Fox + Ryan - 10.50 5.20 6.30
Yella Gulls - O114 yellow 16' -Goretti Clementino Michelle Hudder - DNS

G-3 Class, Sport - RACING WITH PIPE

DeKeen Machine -A 707 wood 13' -Mark Selley Jordan Fletcher - 1.03 DNF
Carbonated - 123 Silver 24' -Andrew McPhee Ken Dallas - 12.30 2.49 2.19
Last edited by NaughtyBits on Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RISR 2016

Post by NaughtyBits »

As you guys can see, congrats are due a certain 'Slimey Limey'... Charles - we'll see you next year.
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Re: RISR 2016

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Re: RISR 2016

Post by Hugz »

I like your seagull top Charles! Congrats indeed...
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Re: RISR 2016

Post by Charles uk »

Thanks for that Hugo, but don't tell H-A it was the same motor that followed him around Hayling Island in 2011 or he will be extracting the urine from me, alongside most of the Bermudians!

A real good time, mainly due to their faultless hospitality!
Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
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Re: RISR 2016

Post by Hugz »

You must be getting lots of pm's of accolades as they are not coming up here :lol:

You have been mentioned on the facebook gull site a few times...
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